Sunday, April 01, 2007

Easter Bunnies

One more week and it will be Easter Sunday once again. Take a look at these cutie little bunnies that I saw at the mall yesterday.

Aren't they adorable? I used to have a pair, but they both died. :( Well, I have to go. It's Palm Sunday, I have to attend the 6:00PM mass later and see Johan. Johan is a batchmate from USLS . He's a Med. Rep. by profession and is assigned here in Davao City. He will be coming home tomorrow (that makes me feel bad, :( mayo pa sya makapuli sa tahum tahum namon na syudad), and he's nice enough to bring with him some stuff I've bought for my family. That will save me some bucks, it's way too expensive to send it through a courier. Have a nice Sunday everyone!Ü

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