Saturday, April 14, 2007

A Reason To Stay

Yesterday, the agony of waiting ended. I've been waiting for my new baby since last month. Take a look at my new baby.

I love my new mobile phone. It's actually a company phone. It's one of the privileges for being employed here for more than 5 months and of course, one should have an excellent performance rating based on performance appraisal (geesh, that means they don't have a problem with my work performance...hehehe). On the contrary, having one will be a big pain in the a** if one decides to leave the company before his/her mobile phone contract ends (it's a two years contract, by the way). Our company phone is a corporate plan under this
company. 60% of the monthly billing is being paid by the company and the 40% plus the excess will be shouldered by the employee which will be deducted from his/her salary every end of the month. If one decides to look for a greener pasture, he/she needs to pay the remaining monthly billing. If I decide to move out on April next year, I have to pay P9,600.00 (P800.00 x 12 months, ours is under Plan800). That would be such a big amount :(

My new baby will be a reason for me to stay longer
here. I'm currently happy with my work. I have adjusted to the place but I'm praying and hoping that I will be assigned to another area so that I can visit other places. It will be a good motivator. Hehehe. A part of me wants to stay here. I've learned to love this company. The company taught me a lot of things about life especially on living an independent life. I know that I have to live my life to the fullest, not by rushing things, but by taking each day one at a time.


Anonymous said...

Ooooh. Nice! I'm a Sony Ericsson user myself. Da best and SE! :) Gani man, dira ka lang anay sa waffletime. Looks like they know how to satisfy their employees. ;)

Shin Chan said...

wahaha.... ano to ang daan mo nga baby nang hw? haha pti nang ah... haha...

Anonymous said...

your latest blog post is so blessed with the word "company".. ahihihi!! seriously, will be prayin ul be "dispatched" somewhere in d northern part of d country, and not in basilan.. hihi! independence is such a great word jai, enjoy it.. enjoy life!!

Anonymous said...

Sus ah, abi ko kung ano may bata ka na!!! hahahaha -vince

Anonymous said...

what is important is that you are happy with your work, the rest are PERKS. congrats--you have a nice toy!

Anthony Scott said...

penge waffle!

Anonymous said...

you work at smart? my older brother works there too. he's been with the company for over 7 years now =)

ps. abi ko man may bata ka na